At Avalon Security, we provide security for a variety of locations, such as commercial sites, residential sites, schools and government buildings. We also provide security for construction sites and warehouses. With over 10 years of experience in the Private Security Industry, our officers have the experience and expertise needed to make Avalon Security the clear choice for all your security needs.
We look forward to hearing from you soon to satisfy your future security and surveillance needs. If you have any questions or need additional information, Please contact us.
Avalon Security offers a full range of protective security solutions, such as:

Construction Site Security
By investing in the right defenses, like on-site cameras, construction site managers can drastically decrease the likelihood of falling prey to the theft and vandalism that seems to plague the industry.

Commercial, Corporation & Residential Security
We at Command Security System operate over many locations, providing the best that the private security industry can offer.

Guard Shack Security
The presence of a security officer and a guard shack can prevent and deter any possible crime at your site.

Vehicle Patrol
Security guards conducting vehicle patrols adds a powerful presence to deter crime. Having our officers conducting vehicle patrols is a cost effective solution to covering a larger area.

CCTV Installation
CCTV cameras visible and monitoring your site can be a cost-effective solution to your security needs.

Uniformed Unarmed/Armed Security Officers
Our security experts will conduct hourly tours to prevent and deter any crime while guaranteeing your site is secure.